I live an amazingly abundant life.
I am swimming in money.
Wealth flows to me from all directions.
My dreams are coming true.
I am manifesting my dream life.
I am worthy of making more money.
I am surrounded by wealth.
I embrace new avenues of money.
Money comes to be easily and effortlessly.
My actions create constant prosperity.
Every day I am attracting more and more abundance into my life.
I am able to handle large sums of money.
My life is full of unlimited abundance.
Money creates a positive impact in my life.
I am wealthy.
I love making money.
I am successful.
My bank account never stops growing.
I have an abundance mindset.
I am financially free.
I am living a life of abundance.
I attract success and prosperity.
Every day I am becoming richer and richer.
I am rich in all areas of my life.
Wealth constantly flows into my life.
I am connected to the universal supply of money.
I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
I get paid extremely well for what I do.
I am a magnet for money.
My income is constantly increasing.